§ 7-406. School employees to be free from communicable tuberculosis.
(a) Employees with communicable tuberculosis prohibited from working in schools.- An individual who has tuberculosis in a communicable stage may not work in any capacity in a public, private, or parochial school.
(b) Certification and tests.-
(1) A school employee may be required to furnish a current certification to the school administration that the employee is free of tuberculosis in a communicable stage.
(2) The health officer of a county or the Baltimore City Commissioner of Health may require an employee to furnish the certification when:
(i) The employee is first employed; and
(ii) At any other time that the health officer or the Baltimore City Commissioner of Health deems necessary.
(3) This certification shall be based on results of specific tests.
(4) The types of tests and the intervals between these tests shall:
(i) Be regulated by the health officer or Commissioner; and
(ii) Conform to the standards of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
[An. Code 1957, art. 77, § 86; 1978, ch. 22, § 2; 1981, ch. 524, § 1; 1983, ch. 606; 1996, ch. 10, § 16.]