§ 7-426. Guidelines for student emergency medical care.
(a) In general.- The Department and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene shall jointly establish guidelines for public schools regarding providing emergency medical care to students with special health needs.
(b) Contents.- The guidelines shall include:
(1) Procedures for the emergency administration of medication and the proper follow-up emergency procedures;
(2) A description of parental or caregiver responsibilities, including:
(i) School notification of a child's special health care needs or diagnosis;
(ii) Providing appropriate medication and delivery devices and medical condition indication devices including Medic Alert bracelets or necklaces;
(iii) Parental consent for the administration of medications; and
(iv) Providing an emergency card for medical emergencies with current contact names and telephone numbers;
(3) A description of school responsibilities, including:
(i) Training for school health services personnel, teachers, coaches, transportation personnel, and other appropriate school personnel;
(ii) Providing and distributing the required notices and forms for notification, consent for the administration of medications, medical emergency contact information, and any other appropriate material; and
(iii) Providing outreach and education for parents and other caregivers regarding providing emergency medical care to students with special health needs;
(4) A description of student responsibilities that are age and condition appropriate; and
(5) Any other issue that is relevant to the emergency medical care of students with special health needs.
(c) Duties of Department.- The Department and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene shall:
(1) Provide technical assistance to schools to:
(i) Implement the guidelines established under this section; and
(ii) Train school personnel at the local level; and
(2) Develop a process to monitor the implementation of the guidelines established under this section.
[2007, ch. 442; 2009, ch. 60.]