§ 7-803. Use of school buses to transport the elderly.
(a) School bus use for the elderly.- Each county board may establish a procedure to provide for the use of its school buses, on application, for the transportation of individuals 60 years old or older to civic, educational, social, or recreational activities if this use:
(1) Does not interfere with the transportation of school children; and
(2) Is available to all individuals 60 years old or older.
(b) Contracts and funds for bus service.- Each county may:
(1) Contract with its county board for the use of school buses; and
(2) Include funds in the county budget to pay the expenses, including payment of school bus drivers and insurance, incurred by the county board in the use of school buses as provided in this section.
[An. Code 1957, art. 77, § 97A; 1978, ch. 22, § 2; 1996, ch. 10, § 16.]