§ 8-310.2. Maryland School for the Deaf - Monitoring and review by Department.
(a) Written agreement - In general.- The Department of Education and the Maryland School for the Deaf shall enter into a written agreement.
(b) Written agreement - Terms.- The agreement shall provide for monitoring and review by the Department of the Maryland School for the Deaf, including:
(1) Review by the Department of the annual budget approved by the Board of the Maryland School for the Deaf;
(2) Monitoring by the Department of the Maryland School for the Deaf's program of enhanced services for deaf students who have other moderate to severe disabilities, including the criteria approved by the Board of the Maryland School for the Deaf for the admission of students to the program;
(3) Consultation between the Department and the Maryland School for the Deaf on issues of deaf education;
(4) Assistance from the Department in developing agreements between the Maryland School for the Deaf and local school systems and other State and local agencies for provision of services to deaf children; and
(5) Monitoring by and assistance from the Department regarding other aspects of the Maryland School for the Deaf's educational program and services to deaf children as required by federal or State law.
(c) Other agreements.-
(1) The Maryland School for the Deaf may enter into written agreements with State and local agencies, including local school systems, for the purpose of providing services to deaf children.
(2) This subsection in no way abrogates the obligation of the local school systems to provide alternative programs for deaf and hard of hearing students.
[1997, ch. 511.]