§ 9-107. Responsibilities of public chartering authority.
(a) Granting charters.- A public chartering authority may not grant a charter to a public charter school whose operation would be inconsistent with any public policy initiative, court order, or federal improvement plan governing special education that is applicable to the State.
(b) Authorizing process and application.- A public chartering authority shall ensure that the authorizing process for a public charter school and the charter application address the roles and responsibilities of the county board and the applicants and operators of the public charter school with respect to children with disabilities.
(c) Operators of school.- The public chartering authority shall ensure that, prior to opening a public charter school, the operators of the school are informed of the human, fiscal, and organizational capacity needed to fulfill the school's responsibilities related to children with disabilities.
(d) Technical assistance.- The State Board shall provide technical assistance to the operators of a public charter school to help the school meet the requirements of federal and State laws, including 20 U.S.C. § 1400, et seq. and § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794.
[2003, ch. 358.]