§ 9-108. Rights of employees of a public charter school [Internal reference update subject to abrogation].
(a) In general.- Employees of a public charter school:
(1) Are public school employees, as defined in §§ 6-401(e) and 6-501(g) of this article;
(2) Are employees of a public school employer, as defined in §§ 6-401(f) and 6-501(h) of this article, in the county in which the public charter school is located; and
(3) Shall have the rights granted under Title 6, Subtitles 4 and 5 of this article.
(b) Collective bargaining agreement.- If a collective bargaining agreement under Title 6, Subtitle 4 or Subtitle 5 of this article is already in existence in the county where a public charter school is located, the employee organization and the public charter school may mutually agree to negotiate amendments to the existing agreement to address the needs of the particular public charter school.
[2003, ch. 358; 2004, ch. 25; 2010, ch. 72, § 5.]