§ 1-303. Dissemination of voter registration materials - Apartment buildings.
(a) Definitions.- In this section, "voter information material" means:
(1) campaign literature that is campaign material under Title 13, Subtitle 4 of this article; or
(2) registration or voting information issued by the State Board or a local board.
(b) Applicability.- This section applies only:
(1) in Montgomery County; and
(2) to apartment buildings, condominiums, or other multifamily residential structures where access to the entrance of individual residential units is restricted by the owner or governing board of the entire structure.
(c) Requirements.-
(1) The owner or governing board of a multifamily residential structure shall designate a public area within the structure where, for the 60-day period immediately prior to each primary election and general election, voter information material may be distributed or deposited.
(2) The designated public area shall be readily accessible to the residents of the structure.
(3) Voter information material deposited in the designated public area shall remain available for residents of the structure for a period of at least 10 days.
(d) Violations.- Upon written notification by a person whose rights under this section were violated, the local board shall:
(1) notify the owner or governing board regarding the apparent violation and the requirements of this section; and
(2) request compliance with the requirements of this section.
[An. Code 1957, art. 33, § 1-303; 2002, ch. 291, §§ 2, 4.]