§ 10-101. In general.
(a) Designation of polling places - In general.-
(1) Each local board shall designate a polling place that meets the requirements of this subsection for each precinct in the county as established by the local board in accordance with Title 2 of this article.
(2) Each polling place shall:
(i) provide an environment that is suitable to the proper conduct of an election;
(ii) be located as conveniently as practicable for the majority of registered voters assigned to that polling place;
(iii) except as authorized in paragraph (4) of this subsection, be in a public building;
(iv) be in the precinct that it serves unless no suitable location for a polling place can be found within that precinct, in which case the board may establish the polling place in an adjacent precinct; and
(v) whenever practicable, be selected and arranged to avoid architectural and other barriers that impede access or voting by elderly and physically disabled voters.
(3) (i) The public official responsible for the use of any public building requested by a local board for a polling place shall make available to the local board, without charge, the space that is needed in the building for the proper conduct of an election.
(ii) Light, heat, and custodial and janitorial services for the space shall be provided to the local board without charge.
(4) (i) If suitable space in a public building is not available, a local board may pay a reasonable fee for the use of space in a privately owned building.
(ii) Except as provided in subparagraphs (iii) and (iv) of this paragraph, an election may not be held in any building or part of any building used or occupied by an establishment that holds an alcoholic beverages license.
(iii) An election may be held in a building that is owned and occupied by an establishment that holds an alcoholic beverages license if:
1. the local board determines that there is no suitable alternative place to hold an election;
2. the licensee agrees not to sell or dispense alcoholic beverages during the period beginning 2 hours before the polls open and ending 2 hours after the polls close; and
3. where applicable, all ballots are removed from the polling place by the local board immediately following the election.
(iv) An early voting center may be located in a building that is partially occupied by an establishment that holds an alcoholic beverages license if:
1. the State Board, in collaboration with a local board, determines that the building is a suitable site for an early voting center; and
2. the entrance to a licensee's establishment is at least 100 feet from the entrance to the building that is closest to the part of the building where the early voting center is located.
(5) If a polling place is located in a building owned or leased by a volunteer fire company or rescue squad, the volunteer fire company or rescue squad may require the local board to pay for the use of the space that is needed in the building for the proper conduct of any election.
(b) Local provisions.-
(1) (i) In Baltimore City, public buildings shall be used for polling places to the greatest extent feasible.
(ii) For rental of privately owned polling places in Baltimore City, the local board shall pay an amount as determined in the ordinance of estimates, provided that the amount is uniform on a citywide basis.
(2) In Charles County, the local board may use private firehouses, private halls, and other buildings for polling places.
(3) In Montgomery County, the County Board of Education shall make available the space and custodial service as needed for the proper conduct of elections upon application by the local board.
[An. Code 1957, art. 33, § 10-101; 2002, ch. 291, §§ 2, 4; 2009, ch. 445, § 3.]