§ 2-104. Statewide biennial preelection meeting.
(a) In general.- In the year preceding each year in which a primary and general election is to be held throughout the State, the State Board shall conduct a meeting for the members of the local boards.
(b) Mandatory attendance; exceptions.- Unless excused by the State Administrator in accordance with regulations of the State Board, the following individuals are required to attend the meeting:
(1) the members, substitute members, counsel, and election director of each local board; and
(2) any other individuals designated by the State Board or a local board to attend the meeting.
(c) Time; place; purpose.-
(1) The meeting shall be held at a time and place and continue for such period of time as the State Board considers necessary.
(2) The purpose of the meeting is to instruct the members of the local boards, the election directors, the counsel to local boards, and the other employees who are in attendance, concerning their duties in the conduct of elections.
(d) Reimbursement of expenses.- Each member, substitute member, election director, counsel, or other employee who is required or authorized to attend the meeting shall be reimbursed by the county government:
(1) for all reasonable expenses for each day that the individual attends the meeting; and
(2) for mileage from the individual's place of residence to the place of meeting and return, in accordance with the Standard State Travel Regulations.
[An. Code 1957, art. 33, § 2-104; 2002, ch. 291, §§ 2, 4.]