§ 2-204. Compensation of local board members [Subject to amendment effective June 6, 2011; amended version follows this section].
(a) Regular members.- Each regular member of a local board shall receive the salary and reimbursement of expenses provided in the county budget, but in no event may the annual compensation be less than the following amounts:
(1) in Allegany County, the amount set by the County Commissioners under Article 24, Title 12, Subtitle 1 of the Code;
(2) in Anne Arundel County, $2,400;
(3) in Baltimore City, $11,000 for the president and $10,000 for other regular members;
(4) in Baltimore County, $4,000 for the president and $3,000 for other regular members;
(5) in Calvert County, $3,000 and reimbursement for expenses in the performance of their duties;
(6) in Caroline County, $2,750 for the president, $2,500 for other regular members, and reimbursement for expenses incurred in the performance of election duties in accordance with the Standard State Travel Regulations;
(7) in Carroll County, $3,000;
(8) in Cecil County, $1,250 for the president, $1,000 for other regular members, and reimbursement for actual expenses incurred in the performance of election activities which occur outside the county;
(9) in Charles County, $800;
(10) in Dorchester County, $3,000 and expenses as authorized by the County Commissioners;
(11) in Frederick County, $5,500 for the president and $5,000 for other regular members;
(12) in Garrett County, the amount set by the County Commissioners under Chapter 91 of the Public Local Laws of Garrett County;
(13) in Harford County, $2,000 for the president and $1,700 for other regular members;
(14) in Howard County, $2,800 for the president and $2,000 for other regular members;
(15) in Kent County, $1,500 for the president and $1,500 for other regular members;
(16) in Montgomery County, $5,000 for the president and $4,500 for other regular members;
(17) in Prince George's County, $5,000 for the president and $4,500 for other regular members;
(18) in Queen Anne's County, $1,500 for the president and $1,200 for other regular members;
(19) in St. Mary's County, $800;
(20) in Somerset County, $1,000;
(21) in Talbot County, $600;
(22) in Washington County, $5,000 for the president and $4,500 for other regular members;
(23) in Wicomico County, $2,400 for the president and $1,800 for other regular members; and
(24) in Worcester County, $1,500 for the president and $1,200 for other regular members.
(b) Substitute members.-
(1) Consistent with paragraph (2) of this subsection, each substitute member shall be compensated for each day of service as provided in the county budget.
(2) (i) Except as provided in subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, a substitute member shall be compensated at a rate of at least $25 for each meeting of the local board that the substitute member attends.
(ii) 1. In Baltimore City, a substitute member shall be paid $200 for each meeting that the substitute member attends.
2. In Calvert County, a substitute member shall be paid at least $50 for each meeting that the substitute member attends.
3. In Frederick County, a substitute member shall be paid $4,500 annually.
4. In Garrett County, a substitute member shall be paid the amount set by the County Commissioners under Chapter 91 of the Public Local Laws of Garrett County.
5. In Kent County, a substitute member shall be paid at least $50 for each meeting that the substitute member attends.
6. In Washington County, a substitute member shall be paid $75 for each meeting that the substitute member attends.
7. In Wicomico County, a substitute member shall be paid at least $1,200 annually.
[An. Code 1957, art. 33, § 2-204; 2002, ch. 291, §§ 2, 4; 2005, ch. 79; 2006, ch. 551; 2007, ch. 363; 2009, chs. 79, 80.]