§ 11-306. Reciprocal agreement to waive examination.
(a) In general.- Subject to the provisions of this section, the Board may make a reciprocal agreement with any other state to waive any examination requirement of this title for an applicant who is licensed as a registered environmental sanitarian or its equivalent in that state.
(b) Conditions.- An agreement made under this section may allow the Board to grant a waiver only if the applicant:
(1) Pays the application fee required by § 11-302 of this subtitle; and
(2) Provides adequate evidence that the applicant:
(i) Meets the qualifications otherwise required by this title; and
(ii) Became licensed in the other state after passing in that or any other state an examination that is similar to the examination for which the applicant is seeking the waiver.
(c) Reciprocity.- An agreement may be made with another state under this section only if, under the agreement, the other state waives the examination of registered environmental sanitarians of this State to a similar extent as this State waives the examination requirements for individuals licensed in that state.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43, § 734; 1981, ch. 8, § 2; 1984, ch. 560; 1985, ch. 219; 1987, ch. 306, § 3.]