§ 7-506.1. Fees.
(a) No further requirements determination conditioned on certain uses or conditions.- If a determination by the Department that it has no further requirements is conditioned on certain uses of the property or on the maintenance of certain conditions, the participant shall pay to the Department a fee of $2,000.
(b) Completion conditioned on permissible use.- If a certificate of completion is conditioned on the permissible use of the property, the participant shall pay to the Department a fee of $2,000.
(c) Alteration of record of determination.- On a request by a participant to alter a record of determination in the land records for an eligible property with conditions in accordance with § 7-506(i) or § 7-514(d) of this subtitle, the participant shall pay to the Department a fee of $2,000.
[2004, chs. 72, 73.]