§ 9-1708. Natural wood waste recycling facility.
(a) In general.-
(1) A person may operate a natural wood waste recycling facility in this State only in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(2) In addition to the other provisions of this section, after July 1, 1992, a person may not operate a natural wood waste recycling facility in the State without a permit issued by the Department under this section.
(b) Conditions.-
(1) A natural wood waste recycling facility may accept only natural wood waste.
(2) A natural wood waste recycling facility shall be operated in a manner that prevents health hazards and minimizes nuisances. Discharges to air or waters of the State shall be limited to discharges allowable under permits governing solid waste disposal, water pollution control, or air pollution control. Dust resulting from the operations shall be controlled at all times.
(3) Adequate personnel and equipment shall be maintained at all times to ensure proper operation and prompt attention to correct problems associated with the construction and maintenance of a natural wood waste recycling facility.
(4) The disposal site shall be under the supervision of a responsible individual present at the disposal site at all times during the operation of a natural wood waste recycling facility.
(5) Access to a natural wood waste recycling facility shall be controlled at all times, and entrances shall be adequately closed when the site is not in operation.
(6) Suitable measures to prevent and to control fires at a natural wood waste recycling facility shall be provided.
(7) A person may not burn wood waste at a natural wood waste recycling facility except as permitted by the Department or, when applicable, by the local governmental authority.
(c) Additional conditions; permit system established.-
(1) The Secretary may by regulation establish additional conditions under which a person may operate a natural wood waste recycling facility.
(2) On or before July 1, 1992, the Department shall adopt regulations to establish a permit system for natural wood waste recycling facilities.
(d) Sections 9-334 through 9-342 and § 10-104 applied to enforce violations.- The provisions of §§ 9-334 through 9-342 of this title and § 10-104 of this article shall be used and shall apply to enforce violations of this section.
(e) Exemption from permit requirement.- A facility required to obtain a permit by the Department under Subtitle 2, Title 9 of this article is not required to obtain a permit under this section.
[1991, ch. 448.]