§ 9-237. Scope of permit; return of sewage sludge to generator.
(a) Scope of permit.- A sewage sludge utilization permit authorizes the permit holder to utilize sewage sludge according to the terms of the permit.
(b) Return after 96 hours.- Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, if the utilizer is unable to utilize the sewage sludge as defined in the permit, the utilizer may return the sewage sludge to the generator provided that the utilizer obtains a new comprehensive analysis of the sewage sludge to be returned that indicates that:
(1) The sewage sludge meets all applicable permit requirements; and
(2) The sewage sludge may be utilized in the same manner, without additional treatment, as the sewage sludge that is generated by the generator.
(c) Return within 96 hours.- If the utilizer returns the sewage sludge within 96 hours of the departure from the generator, the utilizer may not be required to obtain a new analysis of the sewage sludge.
[1987, ch. 612, § 2; 1990, ch. 466.]