§ 9-324. Issuance of discharge permit.
(a) In general.- Subject to the provisions of this section, the Department may issue a discharge permit if the Department finds that the discharge meets:
(1) All applicable State and federal water quality standards and effluent limitations; and
(2) All other requirements of this subtitle.
(b) Compliance with Title 1, Subtitle 6 of this article.- Before issuing a discharge permit, the Department shall comply with the provisions of Title 1, Subtitle 6 of this article.
(c) Time and place of information meeting.- The information meeting required by Title 1, Subtitle 6 of this article shall be held in the geographical area that will be most directly affected if the discharge permit is issued.
(d) Public notice of application.- The Department shall give public notice of each application for a discharge permit as required by Title 1, Subtitle 6 of this article, and by making available to the public appropriate documents, permit applications, supporting material, plans, and other relevant information.
[NR § 8-1413; 1982, ch. 240, § 2; 1993, ch. 59, § 2.]