§ 5-559.5. Application; requirements.
(a) Application form required.- To apply for financial assistance, an applicant shall submit to the Department an application on the form that the Department requires.
(b) Contents of application.- The application shall include:
(1) the identity and location of the family day care provider;
(2) an itemization of known and estimated costs;
(3) the total amount of funds required by the family day care provider to comply with State and local regulations;
(4) the funds available to the applicant without financial assistance from the Department;
(5) the amount of financial assistance sought from the Department;
(6) a statement from the family day care provider on how the grant funds will be used;
(7) information that relates to the family income of the grant applicant; and
(8) any other relevant information that the Department requests.
[1994, ch. 168.]