§ 1-404. Fees; notice.
(a) Notice of fees - In general.- At or before the time a transaction is initiated, the operator of an automated teller machine shall provide the person using the automated teller machine with notice of the fee to be charged by the operator for use of the automated teller machine by persons using access devices not issued by the operator.
(b) Same - Method; cancellation of transaction.-
(1) The operator may give the notice required under subsection (a) of this section by either:
(i) Posting in a conspicuous place on or near the automated teller machine the amount of the fee; or
(ii) Listing the amount of the fee on the screen of the automated teller machine at the time the transaction is initiated.
(2) If the operator gives the notice in the manner provided by paragraph (1) (ii) of this subsection, the person using the automated teller machine shall be provided with the opportunity to cancel the transaction without incurring any fee.
[1999, ch. 603.]