§ 12-122. Suspension and revocation of license.
(a) Grounds.- Subject to the hearing provisions of § 12-123 of this subtitle, the Commissioner may suspend or revoke the license of any licensee if the licensee or any owner, director, officer, member, partner, stockholder, employee, or agent of the licensee:
(1) Makes any material misstatement in an application for a license;
(2) Is convicted under the laws of the United States or of any other state of:
(i) A felony; or
(ii) A misdemeanor that is directly related to the fitness and qualification of the person to provide check cashing services;
(3) In connection with any check cashing service:
(i) Commits any fraud;
(ii) Engages in any illegal or dishonest activities; or
(iii) Misrepresents or fails to disclose any material facts to anyone entitled to that information;
(4) Violates any provision of this subtitle or any rule or regulation adopted under this subtitle, or any other law regulating check cashing services in the State; or
(5) Otherwise demonstrates unworthiness, bad faith, dishonesty, or any other quality that indicates that the business of the licensee has not been or will not be conducted honestly, fairly, equitably, and efficiently.
(b) Factors.- In determining whether the license of the licensee should be suspended or revoked for a reason listed in subsection (a) (2) of this section, the Commissioner shall consider:
(1) The nature of the crime;
(2) The relationship of the crime to the activities authorized by the license;
(3) With respect to a felony, the relevance of the conviction to the fitness and qualification of the licensee to provide check cashing services;
(4) The length of time since the conviction; and
(5) The behavior and activities of the licensee since the conviction.
[2000, ch. 614, § 2.]