§ 10-910. Advisory committee.
(a) Committee established.- There is an advisory committee for the program.
(b) Composition; appointment of members.-
(1) The advisory committee consists of 13 members appointed by the Secretary.
(2) Of the 13 members:
(i) 3 shall be members of the Maryland Association of the Deaf;
(ii) 2 shall be mental health practitioners who are hearing impaired individuals;
(iii) 2 shall be mental health practitioners who are not hearing impaired individuals;
(iv) 2 shall be individuals in the field of deaf education;
(v) 1 shall be a parent of a hearing impaired individual;
(vi) 1 shall be from the Maryland Association for Hearing Impaired Children; and
(vii) 2 shall be public members who represent the community at large.
(3) The Secretary shall appoint the advisory committee from recommendations made by:
(i) The Maryland Association of the Deaf;
(ii) The National Association of the Deaf;
(iii) The International Association of Parents of the Deaf;
(iv) The Maryland School for the Deaf;
(v) The Alexander Graham Bell Association of the Deaf;
(vi) The Maryland Regional Council of Child Psychiatry;
(vii) The Maryland Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers;
(viii) The Maryland Psychological Association; and
(ix) The State Department of Education.
(c) Duties.- The advisory committee shall:
(1) Be consulted about the administration of the program; and
(2) Link the program to the community of hearing impaired individuals.
(d) Meetings.- The advisory committee shall meet at the times and places that it determines.
[An. Code 1957, art. 59, § 71; 1982, ch. 21, § 2; 1983, ch. 462; 1986, ch. 789.]