§ 10-923. Placement of child or adolescent in private therapeutic group home.
(a) Applications - Who may apply.- Application for placement of a child or adolescent in a private therapeutic group home may be made under this section by:
(1) An individual who is 16 years old or older;
(2) A parent or guardian on behalf of the child or adolescent;
(3) With the consent of the parent or guardian of the child or adolescent, a psychiatrist or psychologist who treats the child or adolescent;
(4) On behalf of a child or adolescent, a local department of social services that has custody or guardianship of the child or adolescent under § 3-819 of the Courts Article;
(5) The Department of Education or the local education agency with the consent of a parent or guardian;
(6) On behalf of a child or adolescent, the Department of Juvenile Services when the Department has custody or guardianship of the child or adolescent under § 3-819 of the Courts Article; or
(7) The circuit court of a county sitting as the juvenile court.
(b) Applications - Contents.- The applicant shall submit a formal, written application to the Director that contains the personal information and is on the form required by the Administration.
(c) Qualifications for acceptance.- A private therapeutic group home may not accept an individual under this section unless:
(1) The individual is under the age of 18 years;
(2) The individual has a mental disorder;
(3) The individual, because of the mental disorder, requires residential services not available in the home;
(4) The individual needs 24-hour supervision in a structured private therapeutic group home;
(5) The individual is or should be receiving treatment for the mental disorder; and
(6) There is no less restrictive form of treatment that is consistent with the welfare and safety of the child or adolescent.
(d) Determinations for placement.- Within 60 days after the Director receives an application for placement of a child or adolescent in a private therapeutic group home, the Director or the county health officer shall:
(1) Determine whether the child or adolescent meets the requirements for placement under this section; and
(2) If so:
(i) Approve the application for placement in a private therapeutic group home; and
(ii) Determine the date of placement in a private therapeutic group home in accordance with the plan submitted under § 10-925 of this subtitle.
[1984, chs. 377, 477; 1987, ch. 290, § 1; 1989, ch. 539, § 7; 1995, ch. 8, § 4; 2001, ch. 414; ch. 415, § 6; 2003, ch. 53, § 6; 2009, ch. 656, § 1.]