§ 10-925. Director's plan.
(a) Duty to prepare and submit.- On or before January 1, 1985, the Director shall prepare and submit a plan to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House.
(b) Contents.- The plan shall include:
(1) The number of children and adolescents in need of placement in private therapeutic group homes;
(2) The number, type, and location of private therapeutic group homes that are needed in the community for the treatment of these children and adolescents;
(3) The resources and procedures that are necessary to establish the private therapeutic group homes;
(4) The feasibility of transferring any resources of a State facility to any private therapeutic group home;
(5) The summaries of the individual plans of treatment;
(6) The schedule for the relocation of children and adolescents where plans indicate that a less restrictive placement is appropriate;
(7) A plan for establishing, developing, and maintaining a system for monitoring community services; and
(8) An evaluation by the Secretary of the feasibility of obtaining reimbursement, under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, for services to be provided to children and adolescents with mental disorders.
(c) Duties of implementation, review, and reporting.- The Director shall:
(1) Implement §§ 10-920 through 10-924 and 10-926 of this subtitle upon completion of the plan to be submitted under this section; and
(2) Review and revise periodically the plan submitted under this section.
[1984, chs. 377, 477; 1991, ch. 55, § 6; 1997, ch. 635, § 9; ch. 636, § 9; 2009, ch. 656, § 1.]