§ 14-201. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) Day care center for the elderly.- "Day care center for the elderly" means a place that:
(1) Is operated to provide, with or without charge, care for elderly individuals; and
(2) Either is:
(i) Designated for group care for at least 4 elderly individuals; or
(ii) A family home that provides care for 2 or 3 elderly individuals.
(c) Elderly individual.- "Elderly individual" means an individual who:
(1) Is 55 years old or older;
(2) Lives alone or with a spouse, family relative, or friend;
(3) Needs temporary supervision and care during a part of a day in a protective group setting; and
(4) Has a disability that is:
(i) A reasonably static physical impairment that prevents:
1. Gainful employment; or
2. The accomplishment of the routine of normal daily activities without assistance; or
(ii) A permanent or recurrent mental impairment.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43, § 717B; 1982, ch. 21, § 2; 1988, ch. 118.]