§ 14-202. Statement of purpose; intent.
(a) Statement of purpose.- The purposes of this subtitle are:
(1) To provide for the establishment of day care centers for the elderly and services that will give many elderly individuals the chance to stay with their families or in their communities instead of being placed in a nursing home or State institution;
(2) To allow children and other relatives to keep elderly individuals instead of placing them in impersonal institutions; and
(3) To allow this State to deal more effectively and economically with the needs of its elderly individuals.
(b) Intent.- The General Assembly intends that day care centers for the elderly and services be used:
(1) To avoid, as much as possible, unnecessary commitment of an elderly individual to a nursing home, State institution, or other long term care facility;
(2) To provide opportunities for elderly individuals to be discharged from nursing homes, State institutions, or general and special hospitals; and
(3) To serve only those elderly individuals who otherwise would be eligible under State or federal law for care in a nursing home, State institution, or other long term care facility.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43, § 717A; 1982, ch. 21, § 2.]