§ 15-605. Repository.
(a) In general.- The Board may approve Medbank of Maryland, Inc., or another licensed pharmacy, to be a repository.
(b) Duties of repository.- A repository shall:
(1) Accept only donated prescription drugs and medical supplies forwarded by designated drop-off sites;
(2) Inspect all donated prescription drugs and medical supplies;
(3) Accept only those donated prescription drugs and medical supplies that meet the requirements of § 15-603 of this subtitle;
(4) Dispose of donated prescription drugs and medical supplies, in accordance with State and federal guidelines, that do not meet the requirements of § 15-603 of this subtitle;
(5) Maintain a separate inventory of donated prescription drugs and medical supplies;
(6) Store donated prescription drugs and medical supplies in a secure location used exclusively for the Program;
(7) Maintain separate prescription files for patients receiving donated prescription drugs and medical supplies; and
(8) Obliterate from the labels of donated prescription drugs and medical supplies any information specific to the patient for whom the donated prescription drugs and medical supplies were originally dispensed.
(c) Dispensing in general.- A repository shall dispense donated prescription drugs and medical supplies only:
(1) To an individual who meets the requirements of § 15-606 of this subtitle;
(2) On a new prescription, in the case of a prescription drug or medical supply that requires a prescription; and
(3) In accordance with State and federal laws pertaining to:
(i) Storage, distribution, and dispensing of prescription drugs; and
(ii) Confidentiality of patient information.
(d) Fees; dispensation by mail.- A repository may:
(1) Charge a fee, not to exceed $10, for each prescription drug or medical supply dispensed; and
(2) Dispense a donated prescription drug or medical supply by mail, provided that the repository informs the patient that a delay may be entailed.
(e) Establishment of waiting list prohibited.- A repository may not establish or maintain a waiting list for any prescription drug or medical supply dispensed by the Program.
[2006, ch. 287.]