§ 18-506. Statewide Steering Committee on Services for Adults with Sickle Cell Disease.
(a) "Steering Committee" defined.- In this section, "Steering Committee" means the Statewide Steering Committee on Services for Adults with Sickle Cell Disease.
(b) Established.- There is a Statewide Steering Committee on Services for Adults with Sickle Cell Disease.
(c) Members.- The Steering Committee shall include representatives from:
(1) Local and national groups that advocate for individuals with sickle cell disease;
(2) Interest and support groups for individuals with sickle cell disease;
(3) The Genetic Alliance;
(4) Faith-based organizations;
(5) Community and consumer groups;
(6) Academic and private clinical settings with knowledge and experience caring for adults with sickle cell disease;
(7) Area hospitals caring for individuals with sickle cell disease; and
(8) Pediatric clinics that care for children with sickle cell disease.
(d) Duties.- The Steering Committee shall:
(1) Establish institution and community partnerships;
(2) Establish a statewide network of stakeholders who care for individuals with sickle cell disease;
(3) Educate individuals with sickle cell disease, the public, and health care providers about the State options for care of sickle cell disease; and
(4) Seek grant funding to:
(i) Develop and establish a case management system for adults with sickle cell disease;
(ii) Establish an adult sickle cell disease day infusion center;
(iii) Develop, implement, and lead a State comprehensive education and treatment program for adults with sickle cell disease; and
(iv) Develop and implement a health care provider awareness and education campaign to increase provider awareness of health disparities, community dynamics, cultural practice, behavioral and psychosocial issues, and the use of standardized treatment and emergency room protocols.
[2007, ch. 435.]