§ 19-129. Merger or consolidation of hospitals.
(a) Facilities.- Notwithstanding the fact that a merger or consolidation may limit free economic competition, the Commission may approve the merger or consolidation of 2 or more hospitals if the merger or consolidation:
(1) Is not inconsistent with the State health plan or any institution-specific plan;
(2) Will result in the delivery of more efficient and effective hospital services; and
(3) Is in the public interest.
(b) Equipment.- Notwithstanding the fact that a merger or consolidation or the joint ownership and operation of major medical equipment may limit free economic competition, a hospital may engage in a merger or consolidation or the joint ownership of major medical equipment that has been approved by the Commission under this section.
[1985, ch. 109, § 2; 1988, ch. 6, § 1; 1999, ch. 702, § 2; 2001, ch. 565, § 2.]