§ 19-320. Applications for licenses.
(a) In general.- An applicant for a license shall:
(1) Submit an application to the Secretary; and
(2) Pay to the Secretary the application fee set by the Secretary in regulations.
(b) Form and contents.- The application:
(1) Shall be on the form that the Secretary requires;
(2) Shall be signed and verified as follows:
(i) If the application is made for an individual, by the individual; or
(ii) If the application is made for a corporation, association, or government agency, by 2 officers of the organization; and
(3) Shall include:
(i) The name of the applicant;
(ii) A statement that the applicant meets the requirements of this subtitle;
(iii) The class of the proposed hospital or related institution;
(iv) The location of the proposed hospital or related institution;
(v) The name of the individual who is to be the administrative head of the proposed hospital or related institution; and
(vi) Any other information that the Secretary requires.
(c) Refunds prohibited.- An application fee may not be refunded.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43, § 559; 1982, ch. 21, § 2; ch. 107, § 1.]