§ 19-372. Members; persons accompanying petitioner.
(a) Members.-
(1) Each advisory committee shall consist of at least 4 members, including:
(i) A physician not directly involved with the care of the patient in question;
(ii) A registered nurse not directly involved with the care of the patient in question;
(iii) A social worker; and
(iv) The chief executive officer or a designee from each hospital and each related institution represented on that advisory committee.
(2) The advisory committee may consist of as many other individuals as each represented hospital and related institution may choose, including:
(i) Representatives of the community; and
(ii) Ethical advisors or clergy.
(3) As part of the advisory committee's deliberations, the advisory committee, in appropriate cases, shall consult:
(i) All members of the patient's treatment team;
(ii) The patient;
(iii) The patient's family; and
(iv) In a case involving the options for medical care and treatment of a child with a life-threatening condition, a medical professional familiar with pediatric end-of-life care, if a medical professional with this expertise is not already a member of the committee.
(b) Persons accompanying petitioner.- The petitioner may be accompanied by any persons the petitioner desires.
[1986, ch. 749; 1990, ch. 545; 2000, ch. 51.]