§ 19-4B-01. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) Background check.- "Background check" has the meaning stated in § 19-1901 of this title.
(c) Care provider.- "Care provider" means an individual who provides health care services and assistance to a client in the activities of daily living, including:
(1) Bathing, toileting, and personal hygiene;
(2) Dressing;
(3) Meal preparation and eating;
(4) Companionship; and
(5) Assistance in physical transfer and ambulation.
(d) Central Repository.- "Central Repository" means the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.
(e) Home health aid services.- "Home health aid services" means personal and health care services delivered to a client by a care provider.
(f) License.- "License" means a nursing referral service agency license.
(g) Licensed health professional.- "Licensed health professional" means an individual who is licensed or certified under the Health Occupations Article to provide health care services.
(h) Nursing referral service agency.- "Nursing referral service agency" means one or more individuals engaged in the business of screening and referring, directly or in accordance with contractual arrangements that may include independent contractors, licensed health professionals or care providers to clients for the provision of nursing services, home health aid services, or other home health care services at the request of the client.
(i) Private agency.- "Private agency" has the meaning stated in § 19-1901 of this title.
[2004, ch. 132.]