§ 19-708. Applications for certificates to operate.
(a) In general.- An applicant for a certificate to operate as a health maintenance organization shall submit an application to the Commissioner on the form that the Commissioner requires.
(b) Contents.- The application shall include or be accompanied by:
(1) A copy of the basic health maintenance organizational document and any amendments to it that, where applicable, are certified by the Department of Assessments and Taxation;
(2) A copy of the bylaws of the health maintenance organization, if any, that are certified by the appropriate officer;
(3) A list of the individuals who are to be responsible for the conduct of the affairs of the health maintenance organization, including all members of the governing body, the officers and directors if it is a corporation, and the partners or associates if it is a partnership or association;
(4) The addresses of those individuals and their official capacity with the health maintenance organization;
(5) A statement by each individual referred to in item (3) of this subsection that fully discloses the extent and nature of any contract or arrangement between the individual and the health maintenance organization and any possible conflict of interest;
(6) A resume of the qualifications of:
(i) The administrator;
(ii) The medical director, who shall be a physician licensed in this State and certified under Title 15, Subtitle 10C of the Insurance Article;
(iii) The enrollment director; and
(iv) Any other individual who is associated with the health maintenance organization that the Commissioner and the Secretary request under their joint internal procedures;
(7) A statement that describes generally:
(i) The health maintenance organization, including:
1. Its operations;
2. Its enrollment process;
3. Its quality assurance mechanism; and
4. Its internal grievance procedures;
(ii) The methods the health maintenance organization proposes to use to offer its members and public representatives an opportunity to participate in matters of policy and operation;
(iii) The location of the facilities where health care services will be available regularly to members;
(iv) The type and specialty of physicians and health care personnel who are engaged to provide health care services;
(v) The number of physicians and personnel in each category; and
(vi) The health and medical records system to provide documentation of use by members;
(8) The form of each contract that the health maintenance organization proposes to offer to subscribers showing the benefits to which they are entitled and a table of the rates charged or proposed to be charged for each form of contract;
(9) A statement that describes with reasonable certainty each geographic area to be served by the health maintenance organization;
(10) A statement of the financial condition of the health maintenance organization, including:
(i) Sources of financial support;
(ii) A balance sheet showing assets, liabilities, and minimum tangible net worth; and
(iii) Any other financial information the Commissioner requires for adequate financial evaluation;
(11) Copies of any proposed advertising and proposed techniques and methods of selling the services of the health maintenance organization;
(12) A power of attorney that is executed by the health maintenance organization appointing the Commissioner as agent of the organization in this State to accept service of process in any action, proceeding, or cause of action arising in this State against the health maintenance organization; and
(13) Copies of the agreements proposed to be made between the health maintenance organizations and providers of health care services.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43, § 843; 1982, ch. 21, § 2; 1988, ch. 6, § 1; ch. 754; 1998, ch. 111, § 2; ch. 112, § 2; 1999, ch. 33, § 1.]