§ 19-713.3. Administrative service contracting provider.
(a) Definitions.-
(1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
(2) "Administrative service provider contract" has the meaning stated in § 19-713.2 of this subtitle.
(3) "Contracting provider" has the meaning stated in § 19-713.2 of this subtitle.
(b) Registration.-
(1) A person must register with the Commissioner before the person acts as a contracting provider in this State.
(2) A health maintenance organization may not enter into an administrative service provider contract with a contracting provider that has not registered with the Commissioner.
(c) Application.-
(1) An applicant for registration shall submit an application to the Commissioner in a form approved by the Commissioner and include any information required under subsection (e) of this section.
(2) A registration under this section expires 2 years from the date the application is approved.
(d) Registration fee.- The Commissioner may charge a registration fee sufficient to cover the cost of implementing this section.
(e) Regulations.- The Commissioner may adopt regulations to carry out the provisions of this section and § 19-713.2 of this subtitle.
[2000, ch. 323, § 2.]