§ 24-807. Participant identification; confidentiality.
(a) Identification card and number.-
(1) Each Program participant shall be issued an identification card with an identification number.
(2) The identification number shall be cross-indexed to a confidential record containing pertinent data on the participant.
(b) Confidentiality.- Any information obtained by the Program that would identify Program participants, including Program records, is:
(1) Confidential;
(2) Not open to public inspection or disclosure; and
(3) Not discoverable in any criminal or civil proceeding.
(c) Disclosure.-
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, upon the written consent of a Program participant, information obtained by the Program that identifies the Program participant may be released or disclosed to a person or agency participating in the Program.
(2) In addition to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this subsection, if a Program participant raises the issue of participation in the Program either as a subject matter or legal defense in an administrative, civil, or criminal proceeding, the Program participant waives the confidentiality as to identity provided under subsection (b) (1) of this section.
[1994, ch. 360.]