§ 24-906. Duties of local health officer; data collection and Program evaluation.
(a) Data collection.- The local health officer for Prince George's County shall include in the Program operating procedures measures to collect the following data:
(1) The number of participants served by the Program;
(2) The length of time a participant is served by the Program;
(3) Demographic profiles of participants served by the Program that include:
(i) Age;
(ii) Sex;
(iii) Race;
(iv) Occupation;
(v) Zip code of residence;
(vi) Types of drugs used;
(vii) Length of drug use; and
(viii) Frequency of injection;
(4) The number of hypodermic needles and syringes exchanged; and
(5) The number of participants entering drug counseling and treatment.
(b) Program evaluation.- With the advice of the advisory committee, the local health officer for Prince George's County shall develop and implement a plan for Program evaluation as appropriate based on the prevailing knowledge at the time. The plan may include:
(1) Reported changes in the level of drug use among Program participants;
(2) Reported changes in the level of needle-sharing among Program participants;
(3) Reported changes in the use of condoms among Program participants; and
(4) The advisability of continuing the Program.
[1998, ch. 251.]