§ 3-202. Miscellaneous powers and duties.
(a) Scope of authority.-
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, each county board of health shall exercise the duties imposed by law on a board of health.
(2) The county board of health shall exercise those duties in each municipality or special taxing district in the county unless the municipality or district has a charter provision or ordinance that:
(i) Covers the same subject matter;
(ii) Is at least as restrictive as the provision that the county board is required to enforce; and
(iii) Includes provisions for enforcement.
(b) Duties.- In addition to the other duties provided by law, each county board of health shall:
(1) Meet in May and October of each year and at any other time the board considers necessary;
(2) Coordinate its activities with the Department; and
(3) Report to the Department on the sanitary conditions of the county whenever the board considers it important and necessary to do so.
(c) Fees and charges.-
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, each county board of health may set any fee or charge in connection with its rules and regulations.
(2) A fee or charge for a service that is provided wholly or partly with State or federal funds that the Department administers is subject to approval and modification by the Secretary.
(d) Nuisances; disease.- In addition to the other powers provided by law and subject to the provisions of this article, each county board of health may adopt and enforce rules and regulations on any nuisance or cause of disease in the county.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43, §§ 45, 48; 1982, ch. 21, § 2.]