§ 4-209. Foundling registration.
(a) Report.-
(1) Within 72 hours after a person takes custody of a child of unknown parentage, the person shall prepare and file a report, on the form that the Secretary provides.
(2) The report shall state:
(i) The date and place of finding of the child;
(ii) The sex, color or race, and approximate date of birth of the child, as determined by a physician;
(iii) The name and address of the person with whom the child is placed for care;
(iv) The name that the custodian gives the child; and
(v) Any other information that the Secretary requires.
(b) Place of birth.- The person shall enter the place where the child was found as the place of birth.
(c) Certificate of birth.- A report under this section is the certificate of birth for the child.
(d) Later identification.- If the child is identified and a certificate of birth is found or obtained, the report under this section:
(1) Shall be sealed; and
(2) May be reopened only:
(i) On order of a court of competent jurisdiction;
(ii) On written order of a designee of the Secretary; or
(iii) As the rules and regulations of the Secretary provide.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43, § 18; 1982, ch. 21, § 2.]