§ 5-305. Staff.
(a) In general.-
(1) The Commission may employ a staff in accordance with the State budget for the operation of the Commission and to maintain accreditation.
(2) The staff shall include:
(i) 1 chief medical examiner;
(ii) 2 deputy chief medical examiners;
(iii) Assistant medical examiners;
(iv) 1 chief State toxicologist, 1 deputy chief State toxicologist, lead toxicologists, and assistant toxicologists;
(v) 1 serologist;
(vi) 4 resident medical doctors who are training in forensic pathology;
(vii) 1 chief forensic investigator, 2 deputy chief forensic investigators, lead forensic investigators, and assistant forensic investigators; and
(viii) 1 autopsy services supervisor, 1 deputy supervisor, lead autopsy technicians, and assistant autopsy technicians.
(3) The Commission may employ any physician on a contract basis for part-time services.
(b) Qualifications of medical examiners.-
(1) The Chief Medical Examiner and deputy chief medical examiners shall be board certified in anatomic and forensic pathology by the American Board of Pathology.
(2) Assistant medical examiners appointed on or after October 1, 2008, shall be certified by the American Board of Pathology in anatomic and forensic pathology or obtain that certification within 3 years of appointment.
(c) Compensation.- With the approval of the Secretary of Budget and Management, the Commission shall set the compensation for personnel appointed under subsection (a)(2) of this section.
(d) Equipment.- For the use of these medical examiners, the Commission shall see that proper equipment is provided.
(e) Duty hours.- The Chief Medical Examiner, a deputy chief medical examiner, or an assistant medical examiner shall be on call at all times to perform the duties set forth in this subtitle.
(f) Budget.- The State budget shall include an appropriation to carry out this subtitle, including provisions for:
(1) The fee for an authorized pathologist;
(2) The necessary expenses for transportation of a body for examination by a medical examiner or for autopsy; and
(3) In the case of a victim of homicide, the necessary expenses for transportation of the body from the site of the autopsy or examination to a location within the State specified by the victim's family.
[An. Code 1957, art. 22, §§ 2, 5, 7; 1982, ch. 21, § 2; 1994, ch. 165, § 3; ch. 166, § 3; 1995, ch. 3, § 2; 1996, ch. 349, § 13; 1998, ch. 202; 2008, ch. 69.]