§ 5-701. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) Child.- "Child" means an individual under the age of 18 years.
(c) Child death review case reporting system.- "Child death review case reporting system" means a national, standardized, web-based reporting system for the confidential collection, analysis, aggregation, and reporting of child death data that is maintained and operated by a national center for child death review.
(d) Data use agreement.- "Data use agreement" means a contract between the Department and a national center for child death review that establishes the terms and conditions for the State and local child fatality review teams' participation in a child death review case reporting system.
(e) Health care provider.- "Health care provider" means:
(1) An individual licensed or certified under the Health Occupations Article to provide health care; or
(2) A facility that provides health care to individuals.
(f) Local team.- "Local team" means the multidisciplinary and multiagency child fatality review team established for a county.
(g) Meeting.- "Meeting" includes meetings through telephone conferencing.
(h) National center for child death review.- "National center for child death review" means a public, private, nonprofit, or governmental organization or entity that is funded or otherwise recognized by the United States Department of Health and Human Services and is responsible for:
(1) Developing a child death review case reporting system;
(2) Training and serving as a liaison to State agencies participating in the system; and
(3) Disseminating national child death review data generated by the system.
(i) State Team.- "State Team" means the State Child Fatality Review Team.
(j) Unexpected child death.- "Unexpected child death" means a death of a child investigated by the office of the Chief Medical Examiner as required by § 5-309 of this title.
[1999, chs. 355, 356; 2004, ch. 25, § 6; 2009, chs. 107, 108.]