§ 8-401. Programs.
(a) In general.-
(1) The Administration shall:
(i) Promote, develop, establish, conduct, certify, and monitor programs for the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation related to the misuse of alcohol and drugs; and
(ii) Promote and conduct training and research related to the misuse of alcohol and drugs.
(2) (i) In cooperation with the Motor Vehicle Administration, courts, police, and other agencies, the Administration shall approve appropriate programs of alcohol and drug abuse education or treatment for individuals who are convicted under § 21-902 of the Transportation Article.
(ii) The programs under this paragraph shall be coordinated with and integrated into broad planning for comprehensive community health and welfare services.
(3) The Administration shall:
(i) Review and, in accordance with regulations that the Administration shall adopt, approve or disapprove each program that a public or private agency wants to offer under § 6-219(c) or § 6-220(c) of the Criminal Procedure Article;
(ii) Promptly give the Administrative Office of the Courts notice of each program approved under this paragraph;
(iii) Monitor and biennially review each program approved under this paragraph;
(iv) Investigate each complaint made in connection with a program; and
(v) Promptly give the Administrative Office of the Courts notice if the Department withdraws its approval of any program.
(b) Pilot and research programs; programs in correctional institutions.- The Administration may:
(1) Develop pilot programs;
(2) For these purposes and notwithstanding any other law, establish, direct, and conduct any experimental pilot clinical program for the treatment of alcohol or drug abusers, including any program to administer, under medical supervision and control, maintenance dosages of prescribed drugs;
(3) Either alone or with other public or private agencies, direct and conduct basic research in alcohol or drug abuse, including clinical epidemiological, social science, and statistical research; and
(4) In cooperation with the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services or any other appropriate correctional agency, establish and maintain, in any correctional institution in this State, programs for the prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug abuse and for the rehabilitation of alcohol and drug abusers.
[1988, ch. 758, § 2; 2001, chs. 4, 5; ch. 29, § 5; ch. 35; 2002, ch. 19, § 1; 2003, ch. 21, § 1.]