§ 8-403.1. Alcohol abuse and drug abuse treatment programs - Pregnant or postpartum women.
(a) Procedure established; protocols for referrals; referral agreements.-
(1) In consultation with the Office of Maternal Health and Family Planning, the Administration shall develop a referral procedure to require alcohol abuse and drug abuse treatment programs or facilities that are owned or operated by the State or any of its political subdivisions, or that receive partial or full funding from the State, to operate an alcohol abuse and drug abuse treatment program to accept pregnant or postpartum women for treatment on a priority basis.
(2) As part of the referral procedure developed under paragraph (1) of this subsection, the Administration shall:
(i) Require alcohol abuse and drug abuse treatment programs and facilities to have protocols for referring pregnant or postpartum women for prenatal care and medical assistance services; and
(ii) Establish referral agreements with local health departments and local departments of social services as a method of identifying pregnant and postpartum women in need of and requesting alcohol abuse and drug abuse treatment services.
(b) Treatment available for one year following end of pregnancy.- A postpartum woman shall be allowed to continue to receive or to begin receiving alcohol abuse and drug abuse treatment services for up to 1 year following the end of the pregnancy.
(c) Requirements for funding applications.- The Administration shall require alcohol abuse and drug abuse treatment programs and facilities to submit along with their funding applications evidence of and procedures for admitting on a priority basis into their alcohol abuse and drug abuse treatment program or facility referred pregnant and postpartum women.
[1993, chs. 446, 601.]