§ 11-101. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this title the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) Board.- "Board" means the State Board of Examiners in Optometry.
(c) Diagnostically certified optometrist.- "Diagnostically certified optometrist" means a licensed optometrist who is certified by the Board to administer topical ocular diagnostic pharmaceutical agents to the extent permitted under § 11-404 of this title.
(d) License.- "License" means, unless the context requires otherwise, a license issued by the Board to practice optometry.
(e) Licensed optometrist.- "Licensed optometrist" means, unless the context requires otherwise, an optometrist who is licensed by the Board to practice optometry.
(f) Optometrist.- "Optometrist" means an individual who practices optometry.
(g) Practice optometry.-
(1) "Practice optometry" means:
(i) Subject to §§ 11-404 and 11-404.2 of this title, to use any means known in the science of optics or eye care, except surgery:
1. To detect, diagnose, and subject to §§ 11-404 and 11-404.2 of this title, treat, subject to this title, any optical or diseased condition in the human eye; or
2. To prescribe eyeglasses, lenses, or contact lenses to correct any optical or visual condition in the human eye;
(ii) To give advice or direction on the fitness or adaptation of eyeglasses or lenses to any individual for the correction or relief of a condition for which eyeglasses or lenses are worn; or
(iii) To use or permit the use of any instrument, test card, test type, test eyeglasses, test lenses, or other device to aid in choosing eyeglasses or lenses for an individual to wear.
(2) Subject to §§ 11-404 and 11-404.2 of this title, "practice optometry" includes:
(i) The administration of topical ocular diagnostic pharmaceutical agents;
(ii) The administration and prescription of therapeutic pharmaceutical agents; and
(iii) The removal of superficial foreign bodies from the cornea and conjunctiva.
(h) Therapeutically certified optometrist.- "Therapeutically certified optometrist" means a licensed optometrist who is certified by the Board to practice optometry to the extent permitted under § 11-404.2 of this title.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43, §§ 368, 372, 373; 1981, ch. 8, § 2; 1989, ch. 1, § 1; 1990, ch. 6, § 11; 1995, ch. 521; 2003, ch. 245.]