§ 11-307.1. Limited license.
(a) Requirements.- An applicant for a limited license shall submit to the Board:
(1) An application on the form the Board requires; and
(2) A written confirmation of participation from the institution in which the applicant intends to participate in a postgraduate teaching, research, or training program.
(b) Waiver of examination requirements.- The Board may waive the examination requirements of this subtitle and issue a limited license to practice optometry to an individual who:
(1) Is qualified for a postgraduate teaching, research, or training position;
(2) Is applying to participate in a postgraduate teaching, research, or training program approved by the Board under this subsection;
(3) Is eligible to sit for the Maryland licensure examination;
(4) Is licensed, at the time of application, to practice optometry in another state; and
(5) Pays the fee set by the Board.
(c) Scope of license.- A limited license authorizes the licensee for 1 year to practice optometry only:
(1) At the institution that has been approved by the Board and is designated on the individual's license;
(2) At other institutions that are affiliated with the designated institution; and
(3) On the patients of the designated institution or its affiliates.
(d) Renewal.- The Board may renew a limited license once for an additional 1-year term if the holder:
(1) Otherwise meets the requirements of this section;
(2) Submits a renewal application to the Board on the form that the Board requires; and
(3) Pays to the Board the limited license renewal fee set by the Board.
[1991, ch. 91.]