§ 11-404.3. Therapeutically certified optometrists - Quality assurance.
(a) Guideline recommendations.- The Maryland Optometric Association and the Maryland Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons shall recommend to the Secretary quality assurance guidelines for therapeutically certified optometrists and optometric care.
(b) Regulations establishing quality assurance program.-
(1) After considering the recommendations of the Maryland Optometric Association and the Maryland Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons, the Secretary shall adopt regulations that establish:
(i) Standards of quality for therapeutically certified optometrists and optometric care;
(ii) An ongoing quality assurance program that includes the monitoring and study of the joint management of primary open-angle glaucoma patients under § 11-404.2 (c) of this subtitle;
(iii) A program to evaluate the cost of optometric care; and
(iv) A plan to monitor complaint investigation.
(2) The regulations shall require the Board to:
(i) Conduct a continuing study and investigation of therapeutically certified optometrists to ensure the quality of care they provide; and
(ii) Report to the Secretary, as the Secretary requires, on the results of the Board's study and investigation.
(3) The Board's study and investigation shall include:
(i) A peer review program; and
(ii) A review of patient optometric records that includes the collection and evaluation of data on the drugs being prescribed and administered and the appropriateness of treatment by therapeutically certified optometrists.
[1995, ch. 521.]