§ 13-101. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this title the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) Board.- "Board" means the State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners.
(c) License.- "License" means, unless the context requires otherwise, a license issued by the Board to practice:
(1) Physical therapy; or
(2) Limited physical therapy.
(d) Licensed physical therapist.- "Licensed physical therapist" means, unless the context requires otherwise, a physical therapist who is licensed by the Board to practice physical therapy.
(e) Licensed physical therapist assistant.- "Licensed physical therapist assistant" means, unless the context requires otherwise, a physical therapist assistant who is licensed by the Board to practice limited physical therapy.
(f) Physical therapist.- "Physical therapist" means an individual, licensed by the State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, who practices physical therapy and who has passed the national physical therapy licensing examination administered or accepted by the Board.
(g) Physical therapist assistant.- "Physical therapist assistant" means an individual who practices limited physical therapy and who has passed the national physical therapy licensing examination administered or accepted by the Board.
(h) Practice limited physical therapy.-
(1) "Practice limited physical therapy" means to practice the health specialty concerned with:
(i) The prevention of disability in patients or clients; and
(ii) The physical rehabilitation of patients or clients with a congenital or acquired disability.
(2) "Practice limited physical therapy" includes, except as provided in paragraph (3) of this subsection:
(i) Taking and documenting measurements; and
(ii) Administering treatment with therapeutic exercise, therapeutic massage, mechanical devices, or therapeutic agents that use the physical, chemical, or other properties of air, water, electricity, sound, or radiant energy.
(3) "Practice limited physical therapy" does not include:
(i) Interpreting measurements;
(ii) Planning treatment programs; or
(iii) Using:
1. X rays;
2. Radioactive substances; or
3. Electricity for cauterization or surgery.
(i) Practice physical therapy.-
(1) "Practice physical therapy" means to practice the health specialty concerned with:
(i) The prevention of disability in patients or clients; and
(ii) The physical rehabilitation of patients or clients with a congenital or acquired disability.
(2) "Practice physical therapy" includes:
(i) Performing an evaluation of the physical therapy needs of patients or clients;
(ii) Performing and interpreting tests and measurements of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal functions to aid treatment;
(iii) Planning treatment programs that are based on test findings; and
(iv) Except as provided in paragraph (3) of this subsection, administering treatment with therapeutic exercise, therapeutic massage, mechanical devices, or therapeutic agents that use the physical, chemical, or other properties of air, water, electricity, sound, or radiant energy.
(3) "Practice physical therapy" does not include using:
(i) X rays;
(ii) Radioactive substances; or
(iii) Electricity for cauterization or surgery.
(j) Restricted license.- "Restricted license" means a license issued by the Board under and as limited by § 13-314 of this title to practice physical therapy.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43, §§ 604, 605; 1981, ch. 8, § 2; 1990, ch. 6, § 11; 1993, ch. 85; 1994, ch. 3, § 1; 1996, ch. 10, § 1; 2004, ch. 518; 2008, ch. 657.]