§ 13-206. Miscellaneous powers and duties.
(a) Powers.- In addition to the powers set forth elsewhere in this title, the Board may:
(1) Adopt rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this title;
(2) Adopt standards of practice and a code of ethics for the practice of physical therapy and limited physical therapy; and
(3) Pay, in accordance with the State budget, any necessary expense that relates to the referral of an alleged violation of the criminal provisions of this title.
(b) Duties.- In addition to the duties set forth elsewhere in this title, the Board shall:
(1) Keep a list of the name and address of each licensed physical therapist and licensed physical therapist assistant;
(2) Present evidence of any alleged violation of this title to the State's Attorney of the county where the alleged violation occurred; and
(3) Adopt rules and regulations that govern the use of a physical therapy aide by a licensed physical therapist.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43, §§ 608, 612, 613; 1981, ch. 8, § 2; ch. 124; 1990, ch. 6, § 11.]