§ 14-502. Immunity from civil liability of certain persons providing information about physicians.
(a) "The Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems" defined.- In this section, "the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems" means the State agency described in § 13-503 of the Education Article.
(b) Scope of section.- This section applies to:
(1) The Faculty;
(2) A component medical society of the Faculty;
(3) A committee of the Faculty or of a component medical society of the Faculty;
(4) A committee appointed by or established in the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems;
(5) A hospital, related institution, or other health care facility staff committee;
(6) A hospital, related institution, or other health care facility credentials committee or its equivalent;
(7) The chief executive officer of a hospital, related institution, or other health care facility;
(8) The dean of any medical school in this State;
(9) A member of the Board;
(10) A casualty insurer writing medical professional liability insurance in this State;
(11) A utilization committee of:
(i) A nonprofit health service plan; or
(ii) A health insurer doing business in this State;
(12) The chief executive officer of an alternative health system;
(13) The medical director of an alternative health system;
(14) A medical review committee appointed by or established in an alternative health system; and
(15) A physician.
(c) Immunity from civil liability.- A person described in subsection (b) of this section shall have the immunity from liability described under § 5-638 of the Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article for giving information to any hospital, hospital medical staff, related institution, or other health care facility, alternative health system, professional society, medical school, or professional licensing board.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43, § 136C; 1981, ch. 8, § 2; 1986, ch. 642, § 3; 1988, ch. 109, § 1; ch. 314, § 3; ch. 402; 1989, ch. 5, § 1; ch. 827; 1990, ch. 6, § 11; ch. 546, § 3; 1991, ch. 55, § 1; 1994, ch. 420; 1996, ch. 10, § 16; 1997, ch. 14, § 20; 2002, ch. 158, § 1.]