§ 16-402. Practice under name shown on license only; exceptions.
(a) In general.- Except as otherwise provided in this section, a podiatrist may practice only under the name on the license of the podiatrist.
(b) Group practice not prohibited.- This section does not prohibit a podiatrist from practicing in a professional association, limited liability company, or in any other group practice otherwise allowed by law.
(c) Trade names.- This section does not prohibit a podiatrist from advertising under a trade name in connection with the practice of podiatry if:
(1) The use of the trade name is not deceptive or misleading;
(2) The advertisement in which the trade name appears includes:
(i) The name of the licensed podiatrist; or
(ii) The name of the licensed podiatrist and the name of the business entity under which podiatric services are provided;
(3) The name of the licensed podiatrist who provides podiatric services appears on:
(i) The billing invoices; and
(ii) Any billing receipts given to a patient; and
(4) Treatment records are maintained and clearly identify the licensed podiatrist who performed the podiatric treatment or service for any patient.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43, § 481; 1981, ch. 8, § 2; 1983, ch. 598; 1990, ch. 6, § 11; 1993, ch. 459, § 2.]