§ 18-301. License required.
(a) In general.- Except as otherwise provided in this section, an individual shall be licensed by the Board before the individual may practice psychology in this State.
(b) Exceptions - In general.- Subject to the rules and regulations of the Board, this section does not apply to:
(1) The activities and services of and the use of an official title by an individual employed by any agency of the federal government, this State, or any political subdivision of this State, or a chartered educational institution while performing the duties of that employment;
(2) The education-related services described in regulations adopted by the State Department of Education that are performed by a certified school psychologist:
(i) While performing the duties of employment of the certified school psychologist; or
(ii) While conducting staff development and training workshops for compensation;
(3) The activities and services of a student, intern, resident or fellow while pursuing a supervised course of study in psychology that the Board approves as qualifying training and experience under this title;
(4) The activities and services of an individual while performing psychological services under the direct supervision of a licensed psychologist who takes full responsibility for the activities and services performed, if the supervised individual has graduated from an accredited college or university with at least a master's degree based on a program of studies whose content was primarily psychological or a program judged by the Board to be substantially equivalent in subject matter and extent of training to a master's or doctoral degree in psychology, provided that:
(i) The supervised individual may not use any title other than "psychology associate";
(ii) The supervised individual has applied to the Board for an exemption under this section; and
(iii) The supervised individual has received an exemption under this section within 6 months of application unless the Board grants an extension; and
(5) The activities and services of an individual licensed or certified as a psychologist in any state who recently has become a resident of this State and has an application for a license approved by the Board, provided that the individual passes the first scheduled examination for which the applicant is eligible.
(c) Extension for examination.- If, for good cause, an applicant for a license under subsection (b) (5) of this section is unable to take the first scheduled examination for which the applicant is eligible, the Board may grant an extension to the individual to take the next scheduled examination for which the applicant is eligible.
(d) Exceptions for nonresidents.- The Board may authorize an unlicensed individual to practice psychology, subject to any limitations the Board imposes, if:
(1) The Board finds that the circumstances warrant; and
(2) The individual:
(i) Is not a resident of this State; and
(ii) Meets the qualifications, other than residence and examination, for a license.
(e) Exceptions for certain State and local government employees.- The exceptions of subsection (b) (1) of this section do not apply to individuals who are employed by the Department, a county health department, the Baltimore City Health Department, the Department of State Police, or the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services after July 1, 1985. An individual who is employed by any of the departments under this subsection on July 1, 1985 but who is not licensed by the Board shall function under the direct supervision of a licensed psychologist who takes full responsibility for the psychological services provided by the individual.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43, §§ 619, 620, 633, 643; 1981, ch. 8, § 2; ch. 235; ch. 236, § 1; 1982, ch. 411; 1984, ch. 397; 1985, ch. 10, § 3; ch. 257; 1988, ch. 764; 1990, ch. 6, § 11; 1995, ch. 3, §§ 2, 22; ch. 598; 1996, ch. 10, § 1; ch. 363.]