§ 19-309. Inactive status; reinstatement of expired licenses.
(a) Application; fee; written notification; reactivation.-
(1) The Board shall place a licensee on inactive status for a maximum of 5 years, if the licensee submits to the Board:
(i) A written application for inactive status in a form prescribed by the Board; and
(ii) The inactive status fee set by the Board.
(2) The Board shall provide a licensee who has complied with the requirements of paragraph (1) of this subsection with written notification of:
(i) The date that the licensee's inactive status becomes effective;
(ii) The date that the licensee's inactive status expires; and
(iii) The consequences of not resuming active status before expiration of inactive status.
(3) The Board shall issue a license to an individual on inactive status who:
(i) Complies with the renewal requirements that are in effect when the individual requests the reactivation of the license;
(ii) Has completed the number of credit hours of approved continuing education in social work set by the Board in the 2 years preceding the licensee's application for an active license; and
(iii) Has been on inactive status for less than 5 years.
(b) Expiration before reactivation.- A social worker whose inactive license expires before the social worker returns to active licensure shall meet the reinstatement requirements of § 19-314 of this subtitle.
(c) 5-year period.-
(1) A social worker who is on inactive status as of October 1, 2000 shall have a 5-year period during which to continue on inactive status following notification by the Board.
(2) A social worker who fails to return to active licensure within that 5-year period shall meet the reinstatement requirements of § 19-314 of this subtitle.
[2000, ch. 554.]