§ 8-205. Miscellaneous powers and duties.
(a) Enumerated.- In addition to the powers and duties set forth elsewhere in this title, the Board has the following powers and duties:
(1) To adopt rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this title;
(2) To set standards for the practice of registered nursing, licensed practical nursing, certified nursing assistants, and certified medication technicians;
(3) To adopt rules and regulations for the performance of delegated medical functions which are recognized jointly by the State Board of Physicians and the State Board of Nursing, under § 14-306(d) of this article;
(4) To adopt rules and regulations for the performance of additional nursing acts that:
(i) May be performed under any condition authorized by the Board, including emergencies; and
(ii) Require education and clinical experience;
(5) To adopt rules and regulations for registered nurses to perform independent nursing functions that:
(i) Require formal education and clinical experience; and
(ii) May be performed under any condition authorized by the Board, including emergencies;
(6) To adopt rules and regulations for licensed practical nurses to perform additional acts in the practice of registered nursing that:
(i) Require formal education and clinical experience;
(ii) May be performed under any condition authorized by the Board, including emergencies; and
(iii) Are recognized by the Nursing Board as proper for licensed practical nurses to perform;
(7) To keep a record of its proceedings;
(8) To submit an annual report to the Governor and Secretary;
(9) To enforce the employment record requirements of this title;
(10) To keep separate lists, which lists are open to reasonable public inspection, of all:
(i) Registered nurses licensed under this title;
(ii) Licensed practical nurses licensed under this title;
(iii) Nurse midwives certified under this title;
(iv) Nurse practitioners certified under this title; and
(v) Other licensees with a nursing specialty that is certified under this title;
(11) To collect any funds of the Board;
(12) To report any alleged violation of this title to the State's Attorney of the county where the alleged violation occurred;
(13) In accordance with the State budget, to incur any necessary expense for prosecution of an alleged violation of this title;
(14) On receipt of a written and signed complaint, including a referral from the Commissioner of Labor and Industry, conduct an unannounced inspection of the office of a nurse in independent practice, other than an office of a nurse in independent practice in a hospital, related institution, freestanding medical facility, or a freestanding birthing center, to determine compliance at that office with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's guidelines on universal precautions; and
(15) To maintain a nurse aide registry that complies with federal law.
(b) Deletion of name from licensee list.- With regard to any list kept by the Board under subsection (a)(10) of this section, upon written request from an individual licensee the Board shall delete that individual's name from any licensee list purchased from the Board.
(c) Delegated duties of registered nurses and licensed practical nurses.-
(1) The Board is the only unit of the Department that is responsible for adopting rules and regulations to determine:
(i) Individuals to whom any act of the practice of registered nursing and licensed practical nursing may be delegated; and
(ii) The acts that may be delegated safely.
(2) The Department shall retain its authority to require training for nonlicensed patient care personnel under § 19-308.1 of the Health - General Article.
[An. Code 1957, art. 43, §§ 90, 291, 294; 1981, ch. 8, § 2; ch. 9, § 2; chs. 437, 614; 1982, ch. 432, § 1; 1986, ch. 479; 1987, ch. 109; 1988, ch. 109, § 7; 1989, ch. 5, § 1; 1990, ch. 6, § 11; 1992, ch. 22, § 1; ch. 154, § 1; 2001, ch. 360; 2003, ch. 252, § 10; 2005, ch. 206; 2006, ch. 481; 2010, ch. 72.]