§ 12-506. Cooperation among authorities and State public bodies on housing projects.
(a) Among authorities.- Two or more authorities may join or cooperate with one another in the exercise of any power under this subtitle to finance, plan, undertake, construct, or operate a housing project or housing projects in the area of operation of any one or more of them.
(b) State public bodies and authorities.- To aid and cooperate in the planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of housing projects located wholly or partly in the area in which it may act, a State public body, with or without consideration and on terms that it determines, may:
(1) dedicate, sell, convey, or lease any of the State public body's property to an authority or the federal government;
(2) cause parks, playgrounds, recreational, community, water, sewer, or drainage facilities, or any other works that the State public body otherwise may undertake, to be furnished adjacent to or in connection with housing projects;
(3) furnish, dedicate, close, pave, install, grade, regrade, plan, or replan streets, roads, roadways, alleys, sidewalks, or other places that the State public body otherwise may undertake;
(4) make, with an authority, the State, or the federal government, agreements that:
(i) deal with action to be taken by the State public body under a power granted by this Division II; and
(ii) may last for any length of time, notwithstanding any other law;
(5) do what is necessary or convenient to aid and cooperate in the planning, financing, undertaking, construction, or operation of the housing projects;
(6) grant easements, licenses, or any other related rights to an authority or the federal government;
(7) cause services to be furnished to the authority of the character that the State public body otherwise may furnish;
(8) make agreements about the exercise by the State public body of its powers relating to repairing, closing, or demolishing unsafe, unsanitary, or unfit housing;
(9) plan, replan, zone, or rezone any part of the State public body, make exceptions to its sanitary, building, housing, fire, health, subdivision, or other similar laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances or make any changes to its map or master plan; and
(10) agree with an authority that the authority pay the State public body an amount, if any, in lieu of taxes for any year or period of years.
(c) Powers are in addition and supplemental to other powers.- Powers conferred under this section on State public bodies are in addition to and do not supplant any other power conferred by law.
(d) State public body may incur entire expense of public improvements.-
(1) The State public body may incur the entire expense of any public improvement that the State public body makes under this section.
(2) Notwithstanding any other law, a State public body may make a sale, conveyance, lease, or agreement provided for in this section without appraisal, public notice, advertisement, or public bidding.
[An. Code 1957, art. 44A, §§ 1-304, 1-305(a)(1)-(5), (7)-(12), (b); 2006, ch. 63, § 2.]